voilà ce que j'ai trouvé
http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223221-attention-persistence/Greetings Survivors!
As of the 0.55 Stable Branch update, persistence will no longer be an opt-in feature. Persistence is now moving into the active core features "zone". Private shard operators can request a reset of this through their GSP only in the case of any abhorrent behavior.
What does this mean for you, the average survivor?
As item cleanup and respawn is actively being worked on in order to function on a more comprehensive level - you will see DayZ gameplay become potentially significantly more difficult for 0.55.
- Item Cleanup / Respawn will be iterated upon in 0.56
- Loot concentration will evolve across the map as players scavenge and pick areas clean
- If the area you are in seems to be picked clean, you -must- adventure further inland
Again - the behaviors involving sharp declines in loot concentration will be iterated upon and resolved, but for 0.55 you will see the struggle to survive become much harsher.
en gros, une persistance qui fonctionne et une méthode de renouvellement des loots qui arrive avec la 0.56
donc plus de survie !!!
intéressant non ?